I would ask my students to read this article so they understand how technology and social medias have progressed. Granted, this article was written in 2008, it still shows students how the digital world is ever changing. I'm sure that many of them will be able to relate to the very first page with Sarah and her friend. Students now don't live in a time where they could only be on the phone or online, not both. It's also shows that with online identities you have to be careful with who you talk to, and what you trust to be true. In the article it says "on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog," I find that to be a very powerful statement, and would hope that they would as well.
I enjoyed the article on Social Networking, and how they have been added into classrooms. I have previous experience with Edmodo, and I too really like as an interface for students. I am a fan of the control that a teacher has over the classroom, and how easy it is for students to really get around on it because of its Facebook like qualities.
I liked how the article on confidence and pedagogical practice of new literacies shows just how ICTs are beneficial to a classroom. I also liked how the proficiency of the ICTs was surveyed in 32 schools so that the information that is being given is accurately portraying multiple teachers in different teaching enviornments
Did you finish the Edmodo assignment?